Wednesday, January 2, 2013

If I Were the President

 In 1965 national radio commentator Paul Harvey, wrote a piece entitled "If I were the Devil". In the commentary he explained the ways that he (if he was the Devil) would destroy this country. In his wisdom he predicted the state our country would be in today... 48 years later. I have kept that commentary in my mind, since the first time I heard it. I often think back to some of the points he makes in it, when I am preparing a sermon, as a reminder as to the condition our country and world are in. You can hear it for yourself in the video below:

I have been thinking about the words that Mr. Harvey spoke so many years ago, and I began pondering the idea "If I were President". I would like to share my thoughts on the subject. 
If I were President, the first thing I would do is to have the words "Follow Me" and "We The People" etched into my bathroom mirror. I would do this to be a daily reminder, that as President I don't have all of the answers and I am to allow God to be my guide, and that I don't work for the powerful but am a servant to the citizen. I know if I was ever President that I would not have gotten to that point alone, that God would have had to guide me to the position and the only way I could stay on course would be to make him my constant. Every decision would be made in accordance to His Word. If I were President, I would understand that I am a servant, a protector, a leader I would be a shepherd to the American citizen, not a puppet to the powerful. The two phrases on my mirror would be a constant reminder of my two guides to serve the country; The Bible and The Constitution. 

If I were President, I wouldn't allow people to become over burdened with taxes, so I could repay campaign contributions. I would not force working families to choose between filling their gas tanks and their cabinets while others rape the system for handouts. I would make the so called "safety net" programs, just that; safety nets. If you needed unemployment or food assistance you could get them. You could get them for 6 months and only 6 months, while you work at the chance for the American Dream. That same dream that countless people have risked their lives to get to this country, so they can have a chance at. The chance to work to become successful. I would protect the person that was on hard times by not letting them become a target for the politician that buys votes by promising free benefits. I would  protect them from thinking they are a victim and the "benefits" are there only chance in life. 
If I were President, I would take away the myth that we can tax our way to prosperity, by cutting waste in our system. As a southerner I love pork, I love it smoked for hours, pulled and placed on a bun with some spicy BBQ sauce. I do not like it when it fills bills to the point where no one even knows what the original bill was for. Yes, I would be what so many would call a bad President because I would give the rich tax breaks, after all I bet you have never been hired by a poor person for a job. Without all of the wasteful spending we wouldn't need higher taxes, so I could have our Government start to learn an idea that was taught to them by their Grandparents, live on what you make. 
If I were President, I would give the House of Representatives one 2 year term in office. The Senate would have one 3 year term, and I as President would have one 4 year term, that way each one of us would go back home and face the people that hired us to go to Washington and do a job for them. I would do that to keep all of the Politicians from getting addicted to the power that fills the air in their offices. 
If I were President, I would make jails tough and schools profitable. Children would be taught to be the World leaders that Americans once were, and criminals would be taught to hate their surroundings so when they did pay their debt, they would always stay debt free! 
Yes, if I were President I would change a lot of things, because you see when Mr. Harvey tried to warn us of the Devil's intentions in 1965, we didn't listen and if we want our country back we have to change.   

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