Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Super Size Please

Super Size Please

Here we are, in the year 2013! Many people feared we wouldn’t ever see it, but just like clockwork at midnight last night the calendar changed. Many people went to parties and celebrated the New Year, while others like me stayed home. We all have our New Year traditions that we hold true year after year. My New Years Day used to consist of one last day of deer hunting, (I’ve had to put that one away since moving to Montana, and our deer season is closed) then coming home to College football and dinner. Being a Georgia native the football and dinner, (which is black eyed peas and collard greens) is as big of part of my day, as the hunting was. The other thing almost everyone does today is to look forward to what they hope the New Year will bring. I have spent a good bit of time doing that today myself.

We as a country are at a scary time in our history, our Senate was in debate until well into the New Year arguing over how much our taxes needed to go up today so they would have more money to spend. Instead of looking at ways to cut spending to free up money Obama only wants more taxes. He is like the little bratty kid in the sandbox that thinks all of the toys belong to him, and no one else is allowed to touch them.

The other item we are facing this year is the battle over gun control. First let me explain one thing “gun control” has nothing to do with the gun, but with the control. I have always been against any new gun laws, and I believe some laws we already have needs to be abolished. We need the freedom to carry our guns (if we are legal to carry them) in more places. That would prevent more crime in the long run; after all I bet you never met a criminal that enjoyed hard work. That is why they look for areas where no one is allowed to carry guns to commit most of their crimes. They don’t want to have to do the extra work of fighting off armed victims.

I have come across people who don’t understand what the big deal about the ban would be. They think they only want to ban machine guns, but machine guns have been banned in the U.S.A. for average citizens (it takes months and “jumping through several hoops” to get a license for a Class III weapon) (machine gun) since the 1930’s. The big deal with any gun ban is our Government wants to take something away from the American citizen that is a Constitutional Right for him or her to have. How would you feel if Obama came on TV tonight, and said that large Family Bibles were too offensive for certain people, so he was going to use the full force of his office to ban them. You would be o.k. with that right? I mean you could still read your personal size Bible, but you really don’t need that “big” one. In this country we have the freedom of Religion, without size restrictions, and we have the right to keep and bear arms, without size restrictions also.

As an ordained preacher, I know the most important freedom we have as American citizens is the freedom of religion. I hold that freedom very near and dear to my heart and will never stand for any encroachment onto that freedom. In many other countries around the world people are forced to renounce Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and to bow to a false god such as allah or other being. You are free to choose if you want to worship a false god or the True Living God here in America and no one will ever prevent you from doing so. That is your right. We are free to teach religion, we can teach anyone that Jesus is the only way to Heaven without having to fear that we were breaking any laws.

We have the freedom to say what we want. I am allowed to have my opinion in America. Have you ever wondered why you don’t see many blogs from China, or North Korea? Simple, the people of those countries don’t have the freedom to have an opinion, and to freely express them.

We have several important freedoms in America, freedoms that cannot be taken from us, as long as we the freedom to keep and bear arms. We insure our ability to preserve all of our freedoms when we stand ready and able to defend them.

So when it comes to my guns and the magazines for my guns I say:


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